The School has a Computer Lab which helps in improving the students’ knowledge and understanding of how computers operate and also in developing their skills in using them.
The School has a well-designed Science Lab which help in enhancing learning by understanding the theoretical concepts of science taught in classrooms.
The School Library plays a major role as gateways to knowledge and culture and thus provides the students and teachers an opportunity for a one-on-one interaction.
Art engages children’s sense in open-ended play and support the development of cognitive, social, emotional and multi sensory skills. Needle work, paper modelling, drawing and painting is being taught by trained teachers.
The School playground provides a safe outdoor environment that stimulate children to use their creative energy in healthy interactions with one another.
Physical education classes are imparted, thereby, encouraging psychomotor learning by a play and movement exploration setting to promote health and physical fitness.
The students are given Yoga classes to combat stress and anxiety and gain peace of mind which helps in their overall development.
Cognitive skills such as planning and organising is improved with exercises like dance. So the school provides students opportunities to learn dance to improve their concentration, posture, body language and confidence.
Music nourishes the soul as well as the mind by uplifting the spirit to a blissful state of consciousness. At MEMS, we ensure the emotional and spiritual growth of students through music lessons.